Your child’s skin is as delicate as a flower petal. Before coming out in the world, a child stays safe in the protected environment of a mother’s womb. Once the child is born, besides taking care of the skin, the hygiene of a child is vital as well. At the early ages, a child’s immune system is underdeveloped, and lungs are still in a developing stage due to which harmful air can cause disruption in their biological processes. Since babies stay at home for the maximum amount of time, the harm caused to them is mostly internal like indoor air pollution. Therefore, it is important that we keep our child safe from the ill effects of indoor air pollution. Read on to know some essential baby health care tips for your baby to keep them safe from indoor air pollution.
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Indoor air pollution causes and solution
As parents, we ensure that our child gets the proper amount of food at the right intervals, regular bathing, change of nappies, but we often overlook the need to give them a purified indoor environment. There are several elements in your home that make the indoor environment inappropriate for your little one, such as:
- Gas emission from the kitchen stove
- Wall paints
- Smoking inside the house
- Pet dander, saliva, urine, hair
- Idle vehicles in the garage attached to home’s engine-exhaust
Here are some ways to save your child from the effects of indoor air pollution and keep them happy and healthy.
Simple ways to guard your baby from indoor air pollution
The primary way of steering clear of indoor air pollution is by avoiding the obvious elements that can cause it – one of the main ones being smoking. Ensure you avoid smoking and don’t allow any person visiting your house to smoke inside your home.
Purify the air with HEPA Air Purifiers
Installing an air purifier with HEPA filter helps cleaning the smallest of micrometers (2.5-10) of Particulate Matter (PM) that exist in any possible form, whether from chemicals, mold, mildew, fumes, pet dander or hairs.
Avoid using chemical substances
Wall paints with high amounts of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), air fresheners with formaldehyde, benzenes, and VOCs, perfumes with phthalates are some of the materials that pollute the air in your home. VOCs are known to cause short-term and long-term health-related issues. Buy products with labeled “VOC-free”, or initially made up of organic ingredients.
By following these easy steps, you can protect your child from indoor air pollution in their initial years, where their bodies are still developing and more prone to diseases.