The air quality in India is deteriorating, which is the reason why Indian cities are always on the top of the list when it comes to air pollution. The situation is so grim that air pollution has an impact on the life expectancy in India. According to the Centre of Science and Environment, the life expectancy in India has reduced
Preventive Ways to Avoid Air Pollution During Diwali Festival

Diwali is a time of celebration, but comes also with the fear of terrible pollution levels, increased health troubles, especially for children, elderly, the ill and pets at home. Unfortunately, shutting ourselves indoors does not help because the pollution inside is five times more than outside. Here’s a dekko at what you can actually do.
Why is Ground Level Ozone Air Pollution a Rising Concern?

The rising level of air pollution is a serious concern all over the world. An increasing number of vehicles on the road, deforestation, increasing pollution are some of the main reasons for an excessive amount of pollution. The situation worsens during winter as a result of dropping temperatures, fog, and pollution, which results in a thick layer of smog. Another
Mother-to-be, beware! Air pollution can cause abnormal foetal development

Pregnancy for any women is special. It is a period where a mother-to-be not just takes care of her own body but also looks out for another tiny life growing inside her body. Not just her but the entire circle of family and friends come together to keep the mother-to-be and the baby safe and healthy in every sense. Consuming
Is Indoor Air Pollution Affecting Your Child’s Immune System?

Urbanization has increased the standard and quality of living and has added more comfort in our lives. Though it seems all advantageous on the outside, urbanization comes with its share of adversities, the biggest one being negative health effects. Health effects that are bad for you and worse for your child. Children are more prone to diseases than an adult
How Room Fresheners & Perfumes Are Aggravating Indoor Air Pollution

From choosing the right furniture to adding the right kind of décor items, a lot of time and efforts go into making our homes beautiful. Home enhancement is not just limited to making space look soothing to the eyes but also means it should smell fresh all day long. Nearly every home these days has room fresheners. Another major source
Get Rid of Indoor Air Pollution Lurking in Your Kitchen

The World Environment Day, every year, marks as a reminder for all of us to protect the world we live in. Saving the environment and monitoring our actions which harm the earth is very important in today’s day and age. Outdoor air pollution is a major threat to the environment but so is indoor air pollution. In fact, our homes
Easy Ways to Protect Your Baby from Indoor Air Pollution

Your child’s skin is as delicate as a flower petal. Before coming out in the world, a child stays safe in the protected environment of a mother’s womb. Once the child is born, besides taking care of the skin, the hygiene of a child is vital as well. At the early ages, a child’s immune system is underdeveloped, and lungs
Is Air Conditioning Becoming Friendly or Deadly?

Gone are the days when the air conditioner used to be a luxurious possession. In today’s time, it has become a daily need. In this scorching heat, we all look for an opportunity to just sit relax in front of our air conditioners. From homes to offices, air conditioners have become a necessity. And the usage of air conditioners hardly
Soft Toys Are A Health Risk to Your Kids. Find Out How

Soft toys are an essential part of childhood. We all remember having a soft toy that we loved during our early years, which we did not seem to part with no matter how old it got. Some of us still have them packed safely in a corner of our cupboard, to reminisce the memories of our childhood. Now, it’s your